Video Game Music of the Week – 15-21.02.2016

Turtles rock on this week. It’s the Mega Drive/Genesis game, which was a fascinating mix of stages from the two arcade games and original content. The same went for the music, too. I liked the game quite a bit back in the day… I hadn’t seen an arcade Turtles game until some time later, nor a Super Nintendo, so this was the most advanced version for me, graphics-wise at least (I still think The Manhattan Project on the NES is a better game). Anyway, the theme I picked is a composition original for this game, called “Shredder’s Hideout – Outside”. I hope you like it!

Composer: Masahiro Ikariko
Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Song: Shredder’s Hideout – Outside

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – The Hyperstone Heist (GENESIS) Music – Shredders Hideout Outside

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