Video Game Music of the Week – 16-22.10.2017

While cleaning up old things, I came across a copy of Guild Wars: Nightfall… Never played Guild Wars, but I know my wife and especially her sister used to play it in high school. I know it’s a PSO-like instance-based MMORPG… But the time investment required to get into these made it an impossible task even back then (it’s only by pure chance that I even got into PSO). Anyway, it had bonus soundtrack and “Making of” CDs, and I decided to give the soundtrack a listen before tossing it. It was mostly boring, but there were a couple of enjoyable songs. “Festival of Lyss” is the one I picked for this week.

Composer: Jeremy Soule
Game: Guild Wars: Nightfall
Song: Festival of Lyss

Guild Wars: Nightfall Soundtrack – Festival of Lyss

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