Yesterday, I beat Deus Ex. Choosing, of course, the ending that by far corresponds best to my views. But anyway, let's go in order. I actually made a desperate attempt to beat the game in 2017, playing a bit on December 30th and 31st. It wasn't enough, though, and I only finished it yesterday.
As I landed in Area 51, Jock immediately warned me about a sniper nearby... I ducked and advanced carefully. Tong contacted me, letting me know he was okay and the virus had an On/Off switch. Why it's "Off" now despite Page still supposedly controlling it, we don't get to know. Eventually, I made my way around the base and encountered Simons again... Should've killed him the first time, I suppose. This time, you can't proceed without killing him... Unless you don't go the route where he appears at all! Which I managed to do after reloading the save - you don't need to go through the building he is "guarding" to proceed with the game.
The main Area 51 base has 4 underground levels, and I had to make my way all the way down to finish the job. Page was bragging about he'd become a new lifeform, etc.... His face portrait had changed, too. I'd soon enough find out why. As I was making my way through the complex, Everett pulled me up for a private chat, offering me to ignore Tong's pleas to blow up Area 51 and instead just kill Page and take control over it... For The Illuminati, of course, of which I would become part. Yeah, that's not going to happen.
After that, Page decided to send me the guy who he said killed my parents... Some random Man in Black. I dodged him with some tear gas, and made my way down the elevator he came with. Tong talked to me next, detailing his plan. It involved destroying global communications and launching a new Dark Age, an age of city-states and small-scale government. Savage was apparently also on-board with this. I like it, of course. Even though the in-game JC thought it was a bit of an overkill. It's not at all - considering the other alternative that Everett gave.
Then, I made my way to the two reactors Tong told me about... And what do you know, aliens! Little grey men. They were radioactive, too, so just getting near them meant taking damage. They couldn't take a lot of damage, though - a single slice with the Dragon Tooth took care of them. I talked to a mechanic who speculated that they might just be monkeys that were bred not to have any hair. How are they shooting those beams, though?... Eventually, a hacked computer revealed that they were just another Bob Page GMO project.
I made my way further down, finally into Sector 4. To complete Tong's plan, I had to find some coolant machine and shut it down before disabling those two reactors. And in Sector 4, I got the third offer, from Helios, the AI. It told me I should merge with it and rule the world using its cold calculating nature for the better of all humanity. Yeah, that's not happening, either. Then, I talked to Savage who told me that Helios somehow took Hong Kong over already... And people were going along with it. Madness! I need to put an end to it. Savage also clarified that he disagreed with Tong about a complete Dark Age, and was leaning towards the AI solution as long as it was fair and just... As if an AI can even begin to comprehend those concepts! Not happening, Gary!
Then finally, I came into a room where they had some ready bodies for a Bob Page, a Walton Simons, a JC Denton (though that pod was empty) and... an Alex Denton? A third brother? Hm. Finally, I encountered Page himself. He was in some sort of force field... Waiting to merge with Helios. Yeah, while you're waiting, I'm going to ruin your plan. Should've been faster.
As I shut down the coolant thing, Page got increasingly butthurt, he was asking me if I was insane to destroy technology like that. The opposite, Page. It is the most rational choice. Page even offered me Europe if I let him merge with Helios... Shame the developers didn't let that as a possible ending, would've been funny. Eventually, I found out there's no "loyal to UNATCO" path in the game, actually. What a shame. I thought I was taking an alternative path back when I killed Navarre, but it seems the game wouldn't let you remain with UNATCO in any case.
As I approached the place with the aliens, where I'd complete Tong's request and destroy global communications altogether, Everett also tried to plead with me. No chance, loser. Eventually, I deactivated the two reactors, as Page whined that I'd cause complete chaos, that NOBODY would be in control of the world. Well, that's the plan, man! And finally, in the control room, the mechanic tried to stop me, after I pulled the three switches necessary to set the base on self-destruct, he even pulled out a gun and desperately tried to kill me... I smacked him down with my batton and pressed the last button, triggering the ending sequence.
The world was going back to a better age, an age of freedom. The final quote of the ending described my line of thinking well: "Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..." As the credits finished rolling, a photo of the development team was revealed... No diversity whatsoever, just white males and an Asian or two!... But that's who it takes to make good games.